We go for time- and cost-effective remediation solutions. Our mobile cleaning modules will be site-specifically combined and adapted. OSBO (On Site Separation, Biodegradation, Oxidation) combines the effectiveness of approved in situ and ex situ remediation methods. Initially this technology was developed for on site soil washing of easily degradable contaminants and a silt fraction below 10%. In 2008 GBU acquired licence of OSBO and enhanced this technology in agreement with the holder of the patent. Meanwhile on site soil washing is established for the decontamination of soils with extreme tar oil and petroleum pollutions (TPH > 100 g/kg DM, PAH > 80 g/kg DM). Therefore we optimized the separation of solid matter and oils as well as the biological and oxidative process water treatment. Soils with silt above 10% require additional modules for process water treatment because of modified sedimentation, adsorption effects and sludge accumulation. Low contaminated soils will be conditioned by OSBO technology in heaps. |
Future development: First pilot tests on biological degradation of oil sludge from on site soil washing show high reduction rates. An expensive thermal disposal can be avoided in future. We are also planning on site washing of heavy metal polluted soils in containers under acidic conditions, followed by precipitation or flotation. Soils with lower heavy metall contamination will be conditoned by phytostabilzation. Therefore we work together with our biotechnology partnerr Plantbacter International GmbH. |